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Long story short...
Established in the beautiful city of Gothenburg – Sweden since 1999, we are a passionate group advocating for public mobility. We are driven by the shared vision of making public transport the natural first choice. Our way to contribute to this is by providing innovative digital solutions meant to improve fleet monitoring, ease maintenance processes, increase operational efficiency and support decarbonization.
Our open ITxPT platform offers a scalable, vendor-neutral and future-proof environment for a wide range of services and applications, which is why many major PTOs and PTAs accross Europe chose us. Complementing this platform are diverse products we have developed over the years leveraging our deep knowledge of this industry and technical expertis

A new paradigm
Whether to increase capacity, improve passenger experience, or reduce carbon footprint, the public transport industry has undergone significant transformation over the past 20 years. Alongside organizational advancements, vehicles have evolved into complex mechanical, electrical, and digital ecosystems. The rise of data-driven solutions, IoT, and connected devices has opened new possibilities, including fleet management, remote monitoring, real-time information, and seamless interoperability.

Added value
Video surveillance, passenger information, ticketing, passenger counting – you name it. There are so many systems working simultaneously in a moving vehicle and so many suppliers out there. One of the biggest challenge for our customers is to manage this complexity while fully benefit from this combined technology in a controlled way (integrity, security, cost…).
This is where Pilotfish makes a difference! Thanks to our open platform you have eyes and ears in your vehicles at all time.

The power of data
Our recognizable orange box is the heart of our solution. Serving as a gateway between onboard systems and the back office, it enables optimized and secure communication. All IT systems, whether old or new, connect to the Pilotfish gateway through the onboard IP network and exchange data via our 4G connectivity. The gateway collects continuously technical data from IT equipment and from the vehicle itself (CAN/FMS) that can be broadcasted in compliance with the ITxPT standard. Beyond providing a stable and standardized digital environment onboard, we deliver highly valuable information to support our customers’ daily operations.
On top of this core platform, we have developed additional applications and services over time, leveraging our extensive experience in the field.
Our customer base