Pilotfish delivers Vehicle IT for Dutch trains

The Swiss railway rolling stock manufacturer Stadler is delivering 69 trains to a public transport operator in the Netherlands. The Gothenburg-based company Pilotfish delivers one Vehicle Gateway communication unit for each train, through German IT specialist IVU Traffic Technologies AG, together with a number of core services like a cloud-based back-office system. – “We are … Read more

Pilotfish delivers Vehicle Gateways to trams in Oslo

Ruter AS, the management company for public transport in Oslo, is updating the passenger counting system in 36 trams with an option on additional 36. In connection to this, the Gothenburg based company Pilotfish delivers Vehicle Gateways, which connects the Automated Passenger Counting, APC, to the Internet and delivers GPS position to the system. “We … Read more

We are hiring

As we are in a phase of constant growth, we are regularly looking for new coworkers with varying competences to strengthen our team. For the moment, we are actively looking for the following: Gothenburg System developer Frontend developer Embedded developer Frankfurt Key account manager If any of these positions sound interesting, you can read more … Read more

Delivering IT solutions to Deutsche Bahn subsidiary DB Regio

Pilotfish has signed a deal with Deutsche Bahn subsidiary DB Regio, to install central information units,” Vehicle Communication Gateways”, with the supplementing driver consoles in 4800 busses over the upcoming five years. – Naturally, we are very pleased to enter a cooperation with such an important actor within the German public transport market. This means … Read more

ESBF2 awarded in London

At London Transport Awards the EU project EBSF2 (European Bus System of the Future) which Pilotfish is deeply involved in, won the Most Innovative Transport Project award. “To win an award for innovation shows that we are where we want to be. We serve public transport with cutting edge IT solutions, and that requires constant innovation, says Pilotfish CEO Tomas Gabinus.”

Pilotfish Networks wins Goteborg’s Company price 2017

Pilotfish Networks has been awarded the Goteborg Company price 2017, which is awarded to successful companies operating and developing in the Gothenburg region. The prize is awarded by the business group at Göteborg & Co and consists of SEK 25,000 and a silver statue. “This award is a receipt that our successful international work is … Read more

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First ITxPT-label for On-board devices​

ITxPT is an association open to Public Transport stakeholders developing applied standards for interoperable “plug-and-play” onboard and back-office IT-systems for public transport. The first device to be tested for compliance and to acquire the ITxPT label is a Vehicle Gateway from the Swedish company Pilotfish. Tomas Gabinus, CEO of Pilotfish says “I am extremely proud … Read more