Vehicle Communication Platform (VCP)

Pilotfish main feature is an open communication platform called the VCP.
The VCP connects any IP network based on-board system chosen by the customer (called a module). The VCP also connect external back-office systems and it integrates and supervises Android apps from any Android app suppliers..
The on-board systems are all connected to the network via standard RJ45 or optionally with M12 connectors and they all share:
  • Communication channel [2-4G Mobile network and optional Wifi networks]
  • Share information [Vehicle nr, GPS, Driver, FMS data etc. etc.]; Both onboard and offboard based on CEN standard EN 13149 messages as well as MQTT.
All the on-board system can share the communication channels. Information about what channel and expected bandwidth are available is continuously updated. Without an open communication platform it is very difficult and costly to maintain on-board systems.  It takes many antennas and the cost for investment is higher over the life-time that the systems are installed. A core functionality in our platform is the automatic inventory service. This is a key enabler for good service, maintenance and consolidated system monitoring and lets you keep track of all your devices for the whole fleet.
The VOL backoffice system is cloud based and delivered as a service. The system is continuously updated with new features.