Pilotfish will deliver Vehicle Communication Platform to Region Jämtland Härjedalen

Pilotfish is proud to announce a recently signed agreement to equip Region Jämtland Härjedalen with its innovative Pilotfish Vehicle Communication Platform (VCP). Rollout will take place in the spring/summer of 2023. Pilotfish VCP provides a flexible and open solution for communication between a fleet of vehicles, its connected equipment and various back-end systems, while acting … Read more

Busworld and a changing marketplace

Pilotfish is attending Busworld together with Voith. Pilotfish CEO, Tomas Gabinus, expects attention regarding the changing market situation. “One of the most central things going on right now is the open ITxPT architecture, which fundamentally changes the market behaviour of the involved parties. It frees every actor to focus on what they are best at … Read more