
Tachograph download

The purpose of Tachograph download is to save the manual work of collection of tachograph data and the information stored on the drivers’ driver card, as well as to improve quality and reduce the complexity when doing this in a large scale fleet. The purpose of the Tachograph integration is also to control that the drivers log-into the tachograph.
As it is easier to collect the information automatically, this means that you can do this much more often than the manual collection. This leads to a more active way can use the information in daily operations. The Tachograph builds its information based on the physical driving times of the vehicle in combination with input from the driver. The traditional way to empty the tachograph information is physically in place connect a hardware with a memory. The information is temporarily stored in memory and it is later copied to the computer used for the analysis. The entire process is time consuming.
Via the Pilotfish system we offer an automatic data transfer of vehicle data. From the vehicle directly into the analysis program. In this way, the intervals between data collection can be reduced to a level that is more relevant to the business.
The same basic principle applies to the information available on the drivers’ driver card. Instead of the cards must be emptied with special hardware / reader when the cards are in the tachograph.
For the system to gain access to current tachograph it requires a company card which is used for authentication. This is done automatically, and all the information is transferred via mobile data.

Other use of the tachograph data​

Retrieve login information and distribute the same info to all systems that needs and wants to tag information with the driver ID onboard the vehicle.
Forcing the driver to log-in before they start up their vehicle. This can be a very good way to reduce the cost of driving without logging into the tachograph.
The Pilotfish tachograph solution exposes the standard DDD-files using an API, e.g. Rest API, to tachograph analysis software or other systems.
Today: the system is integrated with VDO and Stoneridge tachographs. The solution should be compatible with all tachographs with a second CAN interface (this is a standardized interface).
Pilotfish Tachograph